We will do everything in our power to keep our customers satisfied and to offer what you ask. Should you be dissatisfied with our services after all and wish to file a complaint, we are happy to assist you in doing so.
Why is your complaint important to us?
To us, it is important that all our customers are satisfied. Therefore we listen to your complaint, so that we can offer you a suitable solution for the issue you're experiencing. With the solution we offer, we try to satisfy you.
How do I submit a complaint?
You can submit a complaint via your customer panel. Create a ticket at the helpdesk and choose 'I have a complaint' at 'What is your question about?' Subsequently you can state your complaint in the form as well as the desired solution for the problem you're experiencing.
What happens after I have submitted my complaint?
An employee authorized to address complaints will contact you. This employee will investigate your issue and offer you an appropriate solution. It may take up to 3 work days for your complaint to be processed by this employee.
What if I am not satisfied with the solution offered?
Are you dissatisfied with the solution offered? If so, you can ask the employee to escalate the complaint to the management. The management will review both your complaint and the solution offered, and - where reasonable - provide another solution. This shall always be within 5 work days after escalation of the complaint.