Almost every website does have a contact form so that visitors can contact the company if they have some questions about a product.
We assume that you already have created a contact page and also create a new page with the text ‘Your message has been sent’. See how you can create a new page.
Also, we assume that you have created an email address.
1: Log on to your Site Builder
2: Click on the button Pages and Styles on the top of your page
3: Choose for your Contact page
4: Now click on the Add Content button
5: Search for the content Contact Form, you can find this under Forms
6: Now drag the contact form to a location on your website where you want to place your contact form
7: Your contact form is now visible in the preview on your Site Builder. Now click on gear button ‘Widget settings’, you will now see an overview of options.
8: Now enter your email address at section head Email address in our example we use
9: At Email subject Line you enter the subject you want to use when you have received a new email. In our example, we use Contact Form
10: At Success page, we use the page that you already had created. In our example, we use ‘Your message has been sent’
11: Now click on the button Save
12: Don’t forget to publish your content